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Imperial Health Charity - Commpassionate communities


This project will aim to alleviate the negative effects of COVID. People with financial challenges often feel excluded from society. COVID has only made this worse. Many people are accessing Foodbanks now who have never had to do so in the past. Residents may face problems of physical or emotional ill health, depression or be in debt; they may be a carer for a family member or friend and find it difficult to get time for themselves. Many are older people who have become more isolated from the community and welcome the opportunity to become more proactive as well as having physical benefits. Most have not had the opportunity to access this type of service either through time or being able to afford it. Through this service, people will have time for themselves, have something to look forward to.


We will work with two local Foodbanks: North Paddington Foodbank and Venture Community Association.

Each participating will be able to have up to 3x45min sessions with the same therapist. Each client will have a confidential consultation with a complementary therapist who will discuss any medical conditions presented to ensure there are no contraindications for having a treatment and which treatment to refer them to.


From July 2021 to end of May 2022


Treatments are free. Donations are welcome


An uplifting experience and opportunity to connect with other people at a time that they may feel depressed or isolated. This in turn improves a person’s outlook on life generally and increases their willingness to be more active in the community. Our work will encourage awareness of health issues empowering the participants to live a healthy lifestyle and make healthy choices, including diet, physical activity and avoiding risk behaviours (such as smoking) and also enabling self-management of conditions and independence. The positive interactions with the project could increase mental and physical health and well-being reducing the adverse effects of COVID.


  • The project will try to address post COVID needs of the most vulnerable local residents

  • Positive interactions with practitioners will increase mental and physical wellbeing

  • People who use Foodbanks feeling valued and empowered about making their own health decisions.

  • Visits to GPs and other non COVID medical referrals to be encouraged

  • Confidential service could encourage disclosure

  • Possible reduction in pain will increase mobility

  • Positive results of better physical and mental health could encourage change of mindset

  • Possible reduction in prescribed painkillers

  • Reduction of stress, feeling more relaxed and reduced isolation.


For North Paddington Foodbank users the venue will be:


Remind The Body
Therapy Centre
W10 4BA

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For Venture users the venue will be:


Faraday House
W10 5YB

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This project is funded by Imperial Health Charity



Jerry Snell is the team leader of this project:

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